Flavia Pitis





Interview with FLAVIA PITIS:

Your childhood ambition:

When I was around 6 years I read about aurora borealis, but I didn’t have color images of it (there were years without internet), so I always wanted to see how it really looks like.

Something you treasure:

I’m not a person attached with objects, things or places. I rather treasure people and ideas, so the most important “possession” is my family.

Your worst habit:

When I notice that I have what I consider to be a very bad habit, I try to give it up. It went fine till now. I’m sure I still have bad habits, but, comfortably for me, I’m not aware.

The aspect of your work that’s most important to you:

To be fresh and in control.

Your first job:

My first paid job was in high school when I was hired by another graduating class to design their graduation panel. I was very proud.


View more of Flavia Pitis’ work (represented by Nasui collection & gallery) here.