Jan Banning

USA, Atlanta, GA, April 2011. 
”Down and Out in the South”: Homeless in Atlanta, GA.

 Knitzer (b. Nairobi, Kenya, 1987).


USA, Columbia, SC, Sep.- Oct. 2010.
 “Down and Out in the South”: Homeless in Columbia, SC. 

David (b. Detroit, MI, 1967).


USA, Atlanta, GA, April 2011. 
”Down and Out in the South”: Homeless in Atlanta, GA.

 Carla (b. Indianapolis, IN, 1975).


“Comfort Women”. During WW2, some 200,000 women from China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines and Taiwan were forced to become prostitutes for the Japanese military.
Indonesia, (c) Jan Banning 2009.
Mastia, 1927, Sumedang, West Java.


“Comfort Women”. During WW2, some 200,000 women from China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines and Taiwan were forced to become prostitutes for the Japanese military.
Indonesia, (c) Jan Banning 2009.
Antonetha, 1929, Emplawas, Babar, South Moluccas.


“Comfort Women”. During WW2, some 200,000 women from China, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines and Taiwan were forced to become prostitutes for the Japanese military.
Indonesia, (c) Jan Banning 2009.
Wainem, 1925, Mojogedang, Central Java.



Interview fragments from the “Down and Out” series can be listened to here.